Reynisfjara Beach in Iceland is enchanting.

The appearance of Reynisfjara Beach is so otherworldly that it appears to be from another planet. To reach Reynisfjara, simply take a flight to Iceland, which is known for its majestic and mysterious aura. After arriving at Reykjavik, make a journey of 180 kilometers towards the southeast direction to finally reach the exquisite black sand and pebble beach.

Regrettably, due to the strong currents, heavy surf, and extreme cold water temperature, swimming at Reynisfjara is inadvisable for most parts of the year. Remaining on the shoreline of Reynisfjara bestows a unique and remarkable encounter even if you refrain from immersing oneself in the ocean. Reynisfjara's excellence as a destination does not solely stem from the black sand, roaring surf, and North-Atlantic winds that encompass it. It is the unique natural geological formations of this beach that fascinate travelers and are scarcely found elsewhere in the world.

The ocean and sand provide a beautiful background to the hexagonal basalt columns of Reynisfjall Mountain, which will immediately draw your attention. The rocky step pyramid formed by these columns is tempting enough to make you want to climb all the way to the top! These columns, formed by Mother Nature, constitute a piece of artwork typically exhibited in esteemed art galleries. Currently, Reynisfjara is frequented by several photographers and tourists who visit solely to capture its breathtaking natural beauty on camera.

Reynisfjara also boasts of massive rocks located by the seashore and confronting the somber caverns that are equally noteworthy. The naturalness of these rocks' presence is definite. Icelanders have an affection for their myths and legends, one of which is about trolls transforming into stones when exposed to sunlight. According to belief, the three colossal rocks are the remnants of trolls who failed to flee before dawn.

If you walk a short distance away from the main beach area of Reynisfjara, you will come across a huge dark lava column known as Dyrhólaey, which extends 120 meters into the ocean. The extension creates a minor peninsula that provides great views of Reynisfjara Beach, the exquisite Mýrdalsjökull glacier, and the entire South Icelandic coastline, allowing you to explore the water further.

It is possible to visit Reynisfjara Beach independently, however, booking a guided tour from the neighboring town of Vik provides an opportunity to receive more local insights and learn about the history of the place.

Vik, also called Vik I Myrdal, is acknowledged as the southernmost town in Iceland. The population of the town is less than 300 people and it is very small. After your exploration of Reynisfjara, you can return to town on foot and unwind at one of the cafes along the road. Accommodation here is limited in amount. In addition to driving a personal car from Reykjavik, it is possible to take buses 11 and 51 from the capital to reach Vik, which takes about two hours. The duration of the journey is approximately 3.5 hours.

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